Your Publisher
Support Area_

Welcome to the Publisher Support section. Here you'll find everything you need to know to get started with your publishing account at AdUp, as well as tips and tricks for new and old features. Something missing here? Feel free to write us and we'll add it!

Getting started in publishing

I'm glad you're here._

Here you will find all the support articles that will help you build your publisher account. Still not enough? Check out the process below, it might answer all your questions.

What's new_

Every day we work on new features that others only dream of. Here you can see what we have taken live as the last.

  1. Create an account

  2. Create page

  3. Create ad units

  4. Format layouts

  5. Installation of display blocks

  6. Get to know the KPI overview

  7. Special: Split tests

Publisher Account Overview

Step by step_

Here you will find support articles that summarize all the information for all the rough steps in the Publisher area. Click on the steps on the right and have a look around!


Not yet found what you are looking for_

Don't worry! If our support overview pages haven't answered all your questions yet, you can delve deep into our glossary. Are you missing a topic? Write to us, we'll be happy to add to it. You can already see frequently clicked articles below.

To the glossary