
Examples for the installation of fly-in ads

Here you will find some examples to help you with the installation of your fly-in ad units. You can find detailed instructions in our support article on the installation of fly-in ads.


Simple example with an asnychronousResponsive-Ads integration

<div id="adup1" style="width:90%;height:255px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    window.uAd_init = function() {
        window.uAd.embed("adup1", {
            placementKey: "dd9e2c6e8a1ec4bc5d1561564fcf946d",
            responsive: true,
            flyin: true,
            flyin_position: "right",
            flyin_offset_right: 30,
            flyin_offset_bottom: 20

    if (typeof window.uAd === "object") window.uAd_init();
    else (function(d, t) {
        var g = d.createElement(t), s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
        g.src = ""
        g.async = true;
        s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
    }(document, "script"));

Simple example with a synchronous static adsintegration

<script type="text/javascript" 